###Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan. Tetapi acapkali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.###Jangan tertarik kepada seseorang karena parasnya, sebab keelokan paras dapat menyesatkan. Jangan pula tertarik kepada kekayaannya, karena kekayaan dapat musnah. Tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuatmu tersenyum, karena hanya senyum yang dapat membuat hari-hari yang gelap menjadi cerah. Semoga kamu menemukan orang seperti itu.###

24 Maret 2011

How to mold a hard boiled egg

I had so much fun making eggs for the Behemoth’s contest so I thought I’d do a how -to so you too can make oddly shaped hard boiled eggs on your own!
What do they taste like? You should make one and find out by yourself.

molded hard boiled eggs!
From the left (clock-wise): Pyramid, sphere, square, and cuboid.
[How to make a cube shaped & pyramid shaped hard boiled egg]
- Eggs (the measurements for the mold is for LARGE egg)
- Milk carton or any juice carton (cut open, washed well and dried)
- Stapler (I’ve tried using different kind of tapes but almost all tapes were useless against moisture so save yourself the trouble and use a stapler.)
- Scissors
- Rubber bands
- Paper towel
- Plastic wrap (for a pyramid shaped egg)
Step 1: Make a mold!
Cube: Cut a milk carton like the photo below. Make sure you have tabs (the pink part in the photo) to use to staple the box together. For a cube, cut three extra square pieces that are slightly smaller than the squares on the box (so they’ll fit inside the box). The pieces are used to cover the staples on the inside of the box.)
How to make a cube shaped egg
How to make a cube shaped egg
You don't need to staple the bottom part. The rubber band will do the job.
How to make a cube shaped egg
Cover the stapled sides with the smaller square pieces.
Pyramid: Cut a milk carton like in the photo below. Make sure you have the tab (the pink part in the photo) in order to staple the box together. Cut two extra triangle pieces that are slightly smaller than the triangle on the box. These will be used to cover the staples inside.
How to make a pyramid shaped egg
How to make a pyramid shaped egg
I only used one staple to put together the pyramid box.

Step 2: Make hard boiled eggs! Plunge them into cold water. (It makes it easier to peel.)
A bit off topic, but someone emailed me asking how to get rid of the stinky egg smell from a hard boiled egg. The smell comes from the reaction of iron in the egg yolk and sulfur in the egg white when the egg is heated inside the egg shell and the smell gets stronger as the reaction goes on longer. So if you cook the egg  just right, your hard boiled egg doesn’t smell! How do you know when you over cook your egg? If the yolk is green-gray-ish on the outside, that means you over-cooked it. There are many websites to help you make the perfect hard boiled egg so try them and find the right method for you.
For more information about hard boiled egg, check out this site. http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/eggs/explore-text.html (they talk about the stinky smell of egg in ” Cold-water plunge?” on the page)
Step 3: Peel the egg carefully and put an egg in the mold. Place the extra carton piece on top of the egg and push the egg in slowly.
Cube & Pyramid: If the carton piece can be pushed down lower than the edges of the box, put a folded paper towel on the top of the carton piece and put rubber bands around it.
How to make a cube shaped egg
Make sure you push the egg in until you can't push in any further.
Pyramid: The mold for a pyramid egg was just the right size, but because of its shape it was hard to put rubber bands around to secure the top. So I wrapped the mold with plastic wrap, put paper towels on the top (so the rubber bands wouldn’t make indentations on the egg.)
How to make a pyramid shaped egg
Slowly push the top down...
How to make a pyramid shaped egg
Pyramid: It doesn't look like it's supposed to be in the fridge, does it? It might be better to let your family know what you're doing.
Step 4: Put it in the fridge for about 15 minutes or so and slowly take the egg out.
How to make a cube shaped egg
How to make a pyramid shaped egg

This how-to is basically “make a mold and squeeze a hard boiled egg in” and not much else to it. The hardest part was to figure out the right size for the mold for a large egg. I tried a couple of different measurements and finally found the right size.  The first cube mold I made was too small and that’s how the cuboid shaped egg was made.
I know that some company sells a device to make an egg into a cube, so if you aren’t crafty but still want to make a cube shaped hard boiled egg, Google “Egg Cuber.”
Non-Bento #27: BattleBlock Theater themed eggy!
I made Hatty from BattleBlock Theater using a cube mold.

[How to make a spherical  hard boiled egg]
- Hard boiled egg
I wasn’t going to do a how-to for this, but my boyfriend was amazed at how round one of the eggs was and asked me how I did it. All you have to do is put the index finger on the top of the egg, and the thumb on the bottom of the egg and squeeze for at least ten seconds. It pretty much stays like that even after you let go with your fingers.
How to make a round egg
My boyfriend said it looked like a turtle egg.
I’m not sure what you can do with these molded eggs to be honest, other than… purely for fun!
I’m sure you’ve seen them in various bento sites, but I also have Japanese egg molds. I got them out of curiosity a long time ago. I just wanted to see a molded hard-boiled egg. It’s amazing how flexible hard boiled eggs are.
Japanese egg mold
Cute, aren't they? Too bad I rarely use them.

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